Tag Archives: 2008 Congressional Races

The Write Side Endorses: Eric Cantor

29 Oct

It’s been no secret that this year has been a hard year of decisions on just exactly who we were going to support.  More on those difficult decisions later this week.  But there was never any question on who would get our vote and our endorsement in Virginia’s 7th Congressional District.

Congressman Cantor is a life long resident of the Richmond, Virginia area and is completing his fourth term as U.S. Congressman.  He’s held leadership posistions in both the Republican majority and the Republican minority.  One day, not this time around but soon we hope, he’ll be back in a majority leadership position.

Eric Cantor is right on the issues.  He’s solidly conservative and he’s right for Virginia.  Granted, we weren’t too happy with his recent votes (twice!) for the bailout bill, and we’ve let him know that.

Still, on Tuesday November 4, The Write Side casts a vote for Eric Cantor.

Go Murtha Go!

24 Oct

I mean really, go home.

Could those bitter, gun and religion clinging, redneck racists be getting ready to boot John Murtha out of office?  They just might.

Michelle Malkin:  Breaking: New poll shows Russell over Murtha, 48-35
A Pennsylvania source has just leaked me brand spanking new poll data showing GOP upstart Bill Russell leading John Murtha among over 800 probable voters by 48-35.

FOX News:  Murtha Race Tightens After ‘Racist,’ ‘Redneck’ Remarks
Rep. John Murtha finds himself in a statistical tie in his re-election bid as Western Pennsylvanians take issue with being called “racist” by their congressman.

The Hill: Murtha in trouble after calling constituents racist
Murtha has found himself in hot water after telling the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette that there is “no question” western Pennsylvania is racist. Murtha subsequently apologized, only to make another controversial statement about his constituents earlier this week.,,“This whole area, years ago, was really redneck,” Murtha told a Pittsburgh television news affiliate earlier this week.

RedState: Poll Confirms: Murtha in Trouble, And What Democrat Has Done More to Merit Defeat?
Democratic Rep. John Murtha leads retired Army Lt. Col. William Russell by a little more than 4 percentage points, within the Susquehanna Poll’s 4.9-point margin of error. The poll of 400 likely voters was conducted for the Tribune-Review on Tuesday, amid uproar over Murtha’s statement that some of his constituents are racist…

Pittsburg Tribune-Review: Murtha’s hold on House seat slips
Russell repeatedly has criticized Murtha for not apologizing for the remark after seven of the eight Marines charged in the killings were cleared of wrongdoing.

I have to agree with D.J.:  Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy

The truth about Fannie Mae

8 Oct

Take the time to view this slide show.

H/T RedState

House Of Lies: How a Democratic Congress Failed To Protect Our Economy

5 Oct

Why Did They Try to Ban This Video? Burning Down the House

30 Sep

Karl Rove explains the political failure of Pelosi, Reid and Obama

29 Sep

Karl Rove talks with John Gibson about today’s failed vote. Since this was radio, the added “video” gets a bit annoying. But Rove is spot on in his analysis.

Regardless of your opinion of the bailout bill, this simply cannot be viewed as anything other than a political failure by Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and Barack Obama. Quite simply, they couldn’t count their votes.

Try as they might to blame this on the House Republicans (and by extension John McCain), the blame rests at their feet. In the final vote 95 Democrats, some of whom owe their committee chairmanships to Pelosi voted no.

And while the Boehner and Cantor thought they might have had the votes to pull the bill through, Madame Speaker’s last minute partisan tirade pushed them away. Listen as Rove explains.

Braceletgate: The Video

26 Sep

The video: Barry wears a bracelet, but he can’t remember who or why without checking his notes.

H/T Michelle Malkin

Senator DeMint knows why we're in this mess

26 Sep

Confused by what’s happening to the economy? Don’t understand why there’s a call for a bailout? Don’t understand who or what caused this?

Take 10 minutes of your time to view this video. The facts are there, and they may surprise you. It’s certainly not what you’re hearing on the nightly news.

Watch this, and pass it on.

That's my Congressman!

26 Sep

Cantor playing key role in crafting bailout alternative
Richmond Times-Dispatch

With Congress working feverishly to agree on a massive economic bailout proposal, Rep. Eric I. Cantor, R-7th, found himself in a key role drafting alternatives to the $700 billion White House plan.

“We’re trying to be constructive and trying to offer a solution and protect the taxpayers,” said Cantor, who has also spent much of the last few days talking or meeting with Republican presidential candidate John McCain, White House negotiators, and fellow House members.

Glenn Nye: Not home where he belongs

22 Sep

Bearing Drift tonight has audio and more of Glenn Nye admitting that he was for his primary residence in DC before he was against it.

Nye has two primary residences?

Is this tax fraud?

Voters in the 2nd District deserve to know.