Tag Archives: 2009 Lt. Governor Race

Oh. Happy. Day.

16 Jan

Wait, you mean it wasn't a dream?

4 Nov
Photo H/T: Bearing Drift

Photo H/T: Bearing Drift

Blow out
Bearing Drift
The real question now, with the margin of victory as large as it is, will McDonnell have a mandate?

Contests serve as warning to Democrats: It’s not 2008 anymore
The Washington Post

On Tuesday, Virginia moved back in the direction of Republicans, a reminder that the political landscape is far more fluid than it appeared to be a year ago — and a challenge for the White House and the Democrats as they look toward 2010.

Dems, incumbents get wake-up call

Tuesday night’s trends were emphatically not in Obama’s favor. Among those paying closest attention are dozens of Democrats who won formerly Republican congressional districts in 2006 and 2008 and are up for re-election in 2010.

The Obama magic has faded
The New York Post
And — until it started looking as if they might lose — the Obama people were suggesting that these races would seal their mandate and encourage congressional wafflers to toe the line on health-care reform. Not so much, as it turns out.

Disregard The Talk Of VA Voting Against The President’s Party For Gov.
Virginia Virtucon

Do you see a pattern emerging here? When GOP candidates run on specific issues of importance to people in their every day lives, they not only win, but they win BIG.


Happy Days ARE Here Again!

3 Nov

And who better to sing it?!  🙂

On election eve, in case you were wondering…

2 Nov

Just a quick roundup 24 hours before the polls open. 

The Write Side endorses:

Bob McDonnell for Governor

Bill Bolling for Lt. Governor

Ken Cuccinelli for Attorney General

Manoli Loupassi for House of Delegates in the 68th District

And, while we can’t vote there, a special endorsement goes out to

D.J. McGuire for Lee Hill Supervisor in Spotsylvania County.

If you’ve read here long enough, you know our reasoning.  The time is right.  The time is now.

But, whatever your inclination, don’t neglect your right, and your responsiblity to vote tomorrow.

Election 2009: Carpathia steams to rescue Titanic, but is it too late?

20 Oct

With poll, after poll, after poll showing Bob McDonnell (as well as Bill Bolling and Ken Cuccinelli) with a commanding and potentially runaway lead, and from what we’re hearing more devasting numbers out tomorrow [Virginia Virtucon: More (REALLY) Bad Polling News Due Out Wed. For Deeds], the Deeds camp sent one final S.O.S. to the White House that had previously seemed to be turning a deaf ear to Virginia.

Sensing the potential embarrassment of losing a state that last year voted for a Democrat for the first time in 40 years, President Barack Nicolae Carpathia Obama will reportedly campaign with/for Deeds in Hampton Roads on October 27th [Bearing Drift: Sources: Obama Stumping for Deeds in Hampton Roads Oct 27th].  But as we asked is it Trick?  Or Treat?

It seems that the once unsinkable Democratic ship has hit the iceberg and is taking on water faster than Barack Obama can grow the national deficit.  Republicans hold commanding leads in all three top races and it’s looking more and more like there will be GOP gains in the House of Delegates.

It was said of the Titanic that “even God could not sink her.”  God disagreed.

And last November Virginia was declared to be a “Blue State.”

But it appears that the Democrats just don’t have enough lifeboats.


Bearing Drift, Virginia Politics On Demand: Tucker Martin and the bloggers roundtable; Cuccinelli wins

12 Oct

Don’t miss the lastest, most excellent episode.

Tonight’s debate…the Sheila Johnson comment…and more…

From Tucker Martin, “Creigh Deeds wants to be Governor.  But he doesn’t know why…”

McDonnell doubles lead. WaPo declares day of mourning.

8 Oct

McDonnell Widens Lead in Virginia Governor’s Race
The Washington Post

McDonnell leads 53 to 44 percent among likely voters, expanding on the four-point lead he held in mid-September. Deeds’s advantage with female voters has all but disappeared and McDonnell has grown his already wide margin among independents. Deeds, a state senator from western Virginia, is widely seen by voters as running a negative campaign, a finding that might indicate his aggressive efforts to exploit McDonnell’s 20-year-old graduate thesis are turning voters away.

Odd isn’t it, that the WaPo says Deeds was pushing the thesis.  Like they had nothing to do with it.

We like the way Politico puts it.

Republican sweep looking likely in Virginia

Among independent voters, McDonnell holds a whopping 21-point lead over Deeds, 59 to 38 percent. And a 51 percent majority of Virginia voters characterized McDonnell as “about right” ideologically

Commanding lead still for GOP ticket in WaPo poll
Bearing Drift

Every candidate for statewide office for the GOP remains plus 9 in the latest Washington Post poll. McDonnell is at 53%. This is an increase in five points for McDonnell since the last poll.

WaPo poll: So much for Deeds closing in
Virginia Virtucon

The internals for Deeds are, well, terrible.  His call for tax increases was opposed by 55% of the voters “and even in Northern Virginia a slim majority of voters oppose new taxes for transportation”

Survey USA: McDonnell 54, Deeds 43

6 Oct

Bob McDonnell 54
Creigh Deeds 43

Bill Bolling 57
Jody Wagner 40

Ken Cuccinelli 53
Steve Shannon 43

H/T News Channel 8

Bill Bolling: Plan

29 Sep

Survey Says…GOP in double digits

29 Sep

Virginia Gov 2009:  SUSA Poll GOP McDonnell leads by 14 points among likely voters!

Survey USA

Bob McDonnell up 14: 55-to-41
Bill Bolling up 13:  54-to-41
Ken Cuccinelli up 11: 53-42

See all the results here.