Tag Archives: News

Rest in Peace: Patrick Swayze

14 Sep
Patrick Swayze, 1952-2009

Patrick Swayze, 1952-2009


Publicist: Patrick Swayze dies at 57
The Associated Press

LOS ANGELES — Patrick Swayze, the hunky actor who danced his way into viewers’ hearts with “Dirty Dancing” and then broke them with “Ghost,” died Monday after a battle with pancreatic cancer. He was 57.


“In the early days of World War 3, guerillas – mostly children – placed the names of their lost upon this rock. They fought here alone and gave up their lives, so that this nation should not perish from the earth.”
Partisan Rock
Red Dawn (1984)

Most ridiculous comparison of the day

9 Sep

I am sorry that rising tennis star Melanie Oudin and her Mom were kicked out of the Marriott Hotel in Times Square because their reservation didn’t last more than a week.  That’s a pain no matter who you are.

This is not about Ms. Oudin.

This is about the “newscaster” I heard on ESPN’s Sports Center this morning.  For the record, the only time I “watch” Sports Center is while I’m getting dressed at the gym.

Getting kicked out of your hotel is indeed inconvenient. 

It is not, however, by any stretch of the imagination comparable to Mary and Joseph finding no room at the Inn.

I’m just sayin’.

Tuesday Morning Reading: The Incredible Shrinking President

30 Jun

Obama’s Poll Numbers are Falling to Earth
The Wall Street Journal

Polling data show that Mr. Obama’s approval rating is dropping and is below where George W. Bush was in an analogous period in 2001. Rasmussen Reports data shows that Mr. Obama’s net presidential approval rating — which is calculated by subtracting the number who strongly disapprove from the number who strongly approve — is just six, his lowest rating to date.
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Video: Press corps now openly laughing at Obama’s backtracking on taxes
Hot Air

It’s a laugh riot, isn’t it? Actually, they might be laughing more at Gibbs’s feeble way of ducking the question than The One’s looming broken promise, but in Gibbs’s defense, what’s he supposed to say? Obama pounded McCain for wanting to pay for health care by taxing benefits, rode into D.C. promising Change, and now he’s going to eat a crap sandwich by reversing himself because it turns out personal charisma doesn’t work on hard economic numbers.
See the video.

Sen. Inhofe Calls for Inquiry Into ‘Suppressed’ Climate Change Report
Republicans are raising questions about why the EPA apparently dismissed an analyst’s report questioning the science behind global warming.
Fox News

A top Republican senator has ordered an investigation into the Environmental Protection Agency’s alleged suppression of a report that questioned the science behind global warming.
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Four Justices Unable To See Beyond Race
George F. Will, IBD Editorials

Scalia, concurring separately, said Monday’s ruling “merely postpones the evil day” on which the court must decide “whether, or to what extent,” existing disparate-impact law conflicts with the 14th Amendment guarantee of equal protection of the law.
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In the battle between good and evil, Barack Obama endorses evil
Whether Hamas, Hezbollah, Chavez, or Castro, Barack Obama faithfully sides with American enemies over American interests.
Erick Erickson, RedState

And now Barack Obama is standing with Hugo Chavez, Fidel Castro, and a host of communist regimes and sympathizers in Central and South America on the issue of Honduras.
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And, finally, Hawkins has a point…

3 Reasons To Stop Obsessing Over Obama’s Birth Certificate
John Hawkins, TownHall

Of course, if Barack Obama was born in Hawaii as he says, you might have some very basic questions. For example, why hasn’t he bent over backwards to dispel the notion that he may have been born elsewhere? Well, why would he at this point? He has a significant number of conservatives wasting enormous amounts of time on a side issue that can never bear any fruit and, as an added bonus, it makes them look somewhat unhinged to many Americans. When your political enemies are making fools of themselves, why stop them?
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Late Thursday Reading

11 Jun
Congressman Eric Cantor

Congressman Eric Cantor

No. 2 House Republican compares Obama to Putin
Associated Press at Breitbart.com

WASHINGTON (AP) – The No. 2 Republican in the House on Thursday compared President Barack Obama’s plans for the auto industry to the policies of Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, saying the White House has stripped credit holders of rights and given them to Democratic allies.

“They said, ‘Set aside the rule of law, let’s strip secured creditors, bondholders, of their rights. Take them away outside of the bankruptcy process and give them to the political cronies and the auto workers’ unions,” Rep. Eric Cantor, R-Va., said in an interview with The Associated Press.

Marx and Obama
The Steadfast Patriot

By the publication of these ideas, Marx and Engels are in part responsible for the rise of the Soviet Union, Communist China, and other communist regimes where freedom is stifled and hundreds of millions of individuals have been killed. Yet the liberals have almost identically similar agendas; are we to expect that the results will be any different?
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Timmy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
NetRight Nation

Unfortunately, unless the fiscal conservatives in Congress step in, the only thing that the American people can do is watch as their currency disintegrates. Or as Austrian Economist Ludwig von Mises said, “Money, like chocolate in a hot oven, [will be] melting in the pockets of people.”
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Paying for Obamacare
Michael Tanner, Cato Institute via TownHall

In short, there appears to be no way to pay for President Obama’s massive intervention into the American health care system without breaking the president’s promise not to raise taxes on the middle class.
Read more.


2 Jun
William Warren’s award-winning cartoons published at GetLiberty.org are a free service of ALG News Bureau. They may be reused and redistributed free of charge.William Warren’s award-winning cartoons published at GetLiberty.org are a free service of ALG News Bureau. They may be reused and redistributed free of charge.


Monday Reading

1 Jun
H/T TOTUS on Facebook

H/T TOTUS on Facebook

This is Elevated Discourse?
Peter Wehner, National Review

Mr. Wallis fancies himself as a peacemaker, a man committed to reconciliation, the author of a book which calls for “a new politics of compassion, community, and civility.” He is none of those things; he is, in fact, very nearly the opposite. Wallis’s rhetoric is noxious and his spirit animated by a good deal of hate. People of good will and faith should say so.
Read more.

The NRSC Gets A Rude Awakening At Redstate
Right Wing News

So, with that in mind, I was very interested to see the reaction in the comments section at Redstate to Cornyn’s post. Would they agree? Would they disagree? Would it be split? Answer: About 98% of the comments were negative and it’s worth reposting some of them to let the people at the NRSC know what the rest of us think about the way the disgraceful way they’ve behaved in this Florida primary.
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Obama Revises Campaign Promise Of ‘Change’ To ‘Relatively Minor Readjustments In Certain Favorable Policy Areas’
The Onion

“Remember: Yes we can, if by that you mean tiptoeing around potentially unpopular decisions that could alienate a large segment of the populace.”
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The Obama Motor Co.
The Wall Street Journal

Back in December, in an economy far, far away, then-CEO Rick Wagoner tossed out the scary cost to taxpayers of $100 billion if General Motors wasn’t saved by the government. Well, GM was saved in December and again in March, and as early as today the feds will rescue it a third time in a prepackaged bankruptcy that is already costing at least $50 billion, and that’s for starters. Welcome to Obama Motors, and what is likely to be a long, expensive and unhappy exercise in political car making.
Read more.

AP: Tiller Murder Part of a ‘String’; Abort Group’s Own History Shreds Claim

But a look at the actual history of such violence accumulated by a pro-abortion group demonstrates that Tiller’s murder is correctly seen as a horrible, isolated incident following a long, sustained decline in violence.Read more.

An Invitation to Janine Garafalo

And in Virginia

McDonnell outraises all three Democrats combined in April and May
Virginia Virtucon

McDonnell outraised all three Democrats combined during the past eight weeks and has twice as much money as the three Dems combined.
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I Know Dems Love To Recycle, But This Is Ridiculous…
Virginia Virtucon

So, Levar “Slasher” Stoney is up to his old self-confessed habit of lying again.  Let’s look back at what Dems have said in the past, shall we?
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David Ray: Convention or Primary?

Since the Republican State Central Committee voted on March 8, 2008 to nominate its 2009 statewide ticket by convention, many grassroots activists have decided to participate in our convention.  However, others have decried the decision to use a convention to select our nominees, instead of doing what parties do in most other states – nominate via primary.
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This is no way to save the unborn

31 May

Kansas abortion doctor shot to death at church

KANSAS CITY, Missouri (Reuters) – A Kansas doctor reviled by anti-abortion groups for his work providing “late-term” abortions was shot and killed in his Wichita, Kansas, church on Sunday, and police said they captured the man responsible.
Read more.

Shaun Kennedy, Executive Director of the American Life League said “Leaders within the pro-life movement often discuss justice in connection with our mission to end the tragedy of abortion. Today, Dr. George Tiller’s life ended in an act defying those principles.” There will be a press conference tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. on the steps of the Supreme Court Building to re-emphasize these points.

I am now, and have always been adamantly pro-life. But I learned a long time ago that arguing and graphic displays, such as that used by Alan Keyes on the campus of Notre Dame, will not win this argument. Yes, I support and vote for pro-life candidates. Yes, I support and advocate pro-life legislation such as parental notification. Yes, I oppose government funding of abortions. And, yes, I’ve marched up the hill to the Supreme Court Building.

But the reality is that I’m more likely to save a child by volunteering time and resources at the local Crisis Pregnancy Center. And I’ve done that.

Senseless acts like the murder of Dr. Tiller only harm the cause. Regardless of the killer’s background, the anti-abortion crowd will seize this as an opportunity to paint all pro-life forces as radical and dangerous.

The President issued the following statement.

I am shocked and outraged by the murder of Dr. George Tiller as he attended church services this morning. However profound our differences as Americans over difficult issues such as abortion, they cannot be resolved by heinous acts of violence.

I disagree with Barack Obama on much, indeed most, of his agenda. That includes his views on abortion. But in this case, he is absolutely right. No child will be saved by this act of lunacy.

Saturday Morning Reading

30 May
Senator Ken Cuccinelli, Candidate for Attorney General

Senator Ken Cuccinelli, Candidate for Attorney General

Virginia Republican Convention coverage continues at Bearing Drift, Crystal Clear Conservative, SWAC Girl, and I’m Surrounded By Idiots

Live streaming coverage of the convention resumes at 10:00 a.m. at BobMcDonnell.com


Speak Softly and Carry a Big Teleprompter
We are on the brink of ‘man-caused disaster.’
Mark Steyn, National Review

What does a nuclear madman have to do to get America’s attention? On Memorial Day, the North Koreans detonated “an underground atomic device many times more powerful than the bombs that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki,” as my old colleagues at the Irish Times put it. You’d think that’d rate something higher than “World News In Brief,” see foot of page 37. But instead Washington was consumed by the Supreme Court nomination of Sonia Sotomayor, who apparently has a “compelling personal story.”
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Barack Obama’s great uncle criticises him over Buchenwald visit
London Telegraph

Barack Obama faced unprecedented public criticism from a member of his own family when his great uncle said he was only visiting a concentration camp next week for ‘political reasons’.
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Save the Planet. Paint the Roof.
Rich Galen, TownHall

Be a good citizen. Paint something white. Or, better yet. Be like Tom Sawyer and get someone else to paint something white.
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Democrat Lite a Big GOP Tent Does Not Make
David Limbaugh, TownHall

What’s missing from this analysis is that one of the main reasons Republicans have lost favor of late, reflected in their trouncing in the 2006 congressional elections and in shrinking GOP party identification percentages, is their alienation of the conservative base. The best-kept secret is that with 60 percent of Americans still considering themselves conservatives, Republicans only need to be true to their conservative principles to win again.
Read more.

Stalwart Allies: Obama Admin Has Frozen Arms Sales; No More Apache Longbows for Israel?
The Hashmonean
The noose is around Israel’s neck and is tightening while Obama courts and appeases his one true love, the Arabs & the Palestinians and every dictator, socialist, and isolated rogue regime on the planet. This is change all right, everything else is ‘just words’.
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Mid-Week Reading

27 May

newspaperMore on Sotomayor

An ideological choice
Gary Bauer, The Washington Times

Mr. Obama has told us what kind of judges he is seeking: judges who feel unconstrained by the plain language of the law or the text of the Constitution, judges who instead will act on their “empathy,” on their own sense of right and wrong. He wants judges who will legislate from the bench. That is the very definition of judicial activism.
Read more.

EDITORIAL: A judge too far
Nominating Sotomayor reveals the president’s true colors
The Washington Times

With his nomination of Judge Sonia Sotomayor for the U.S. Supreme Court, President Obama has abandoned all pretense of being a post-partisan president. While he may like to think of himself as a thoughtful moderate soaring above the issues that divide America, his actions reveal what hides under that hopeful lining.
Read more.


Cheers For Cheney
Brent Bozell, TownHall

Dick Cheney clearly drives the liberal media nuts. As much as they’d like to bask in the glow of the new and glorious Obama Era, they simply cannot achieve that requisite state of nirvana with Cheney around. They spent eight long years packaging Cheney as some evil and deadly combination of Darth Vader and the Ebola virus. Now they can add to the descriptors a new title: Count Dracula. The man refuses to die.
Read more.

This insult to the Queen – the only living head of state who actually served in the war
Robert Hardman, Daily Mail

If you turn up in France on June 6, the 65th anniversary of D-Day – the invasion which really did win the war – you are in for a surprise. Because, if you did not know better, you would imagine that D-Day was all down to the Americans – with a little help from the French…No matter that the Queen is the only head of state alive who served in uniform during that war. No matter that her father’s British and Canadian troops stormed three out of the five Normandy beaches – codenamed Sword, Juno and Gold – while the Americans invaded two – Omaha and Utah.
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The Powell Doctrine
Cal Thomas, TownHall

Powell’s doctrine is a prescription for more Republican losses. The GOP has been declared prematurely dead before in 1964, ’76, ’92 and 2008. It revives when it remembers its principles, not when it abandons them or pretends they no longer matter in the pursuit of a self-defeating “big tent.”
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Weekend Reading

23 May

The 10 punches Dick Cheney landed on Barack Obama’s jaw
Toby Harden, The UK Telegraph

…the very fact that Obama chose to schedule his speech (Cheney’s was announced first) at exactly the same time as the former veep was a sign of some weakness.

President Above-It-All
Rich Lowry, Real Clear Politics

Excoriating Bush is good politics for Obama, which is what makes his repeated exhortations to look ahead so disingenuous. In his speech, he rued that “we have a return of the politicization of these issues.” In other words: Dick Cheney, please shut up. But when did the politicization of these issues end? Has the Left ever stopped braying about Bush’s war crimes?

Obama’s Speech in Historical Context
Peter Wehner, Commentary Magazine

I don’t, for a moment, expect President Obama to be fair-minded in his appraisal of the Bush years. But one might hope he would resist the temptation to disfigure the past so blatantly and so repeatedly, especially since Obama fancies himself as America’s philosopher-king, a person astonishingly free of bias and ideology, a one-man antidote to finger-pointing and division, our great healer and forward-looking leader. Alas, Mr. Obama — who is, I will grant you, a man of prodigious political talents — is falling a good deal short of the standards he has set for public discourse.

Somehow, this “revelation” is actually news…

77% See Politicians Unwillingness to Cut Government Spending as Bigger Problem Than Voter Resistance to Tax Hikes
Rasmussen Reports

For nearly four-out-of-five U.S. voters, the problem is not their unwillingness to pay taxes. It’s their elected representatives’ refusal to cut the size of government.

And, on that point ladies and gentlemen, is where we all should be able to agree. Government spends too much. Not to be unkind, but if you can’t see that you’re clueless and probably shouldn’t be allowed to vote. Yes, there are deserving programs. Yes, there are legitimate functions the government should perform. But we’re way beyond that point. And until we start electing men and women with the requisite equipment to stand up to unnecessary, wasteful, frivolous spending, then we’re only going to dig ourselves into a deeper and deeper hole.

For cryin’ out loud people, it’s American Idol. But I have to love this take on the response to Kris Allen’s win.

Really Talented Performer Wins American Idol; Liberals Blame Christians
S.E. Cupp, TownHall

Liberals are once again falling back on the only explanation they can ever muster when an anointed protégé or pet cause du jour loses: blame the backwards, hickish, intolerant Christian masses. Yes, the same folks who – inexplicably – put George W. Bush in the White House (twice), fell for Sarah Palin, and voted for Proposition 8 all to the shock and awe of the apoplectic left.