Archive | November, 2010

Thanksgiving Day

25 Nov

A quiet morning at my parents before the house awakes.  Thinking and reading before the chaos begins.

I’m in the process of revamping the blog and will detail those changes soon.

In the meantime I’m preparing my heart for Christmas by rereading the Gospels and maybe digging into the Messianic prophecies of the old testament.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Rest in Peace, Jill Clayburgh

6 Nov

Jill Clayburgh, an Oscar-nominated actress known for portraying strong, independent women, died on Friday at her home in Lakeville, Conn. She was 66.

Read more:  New York Times

Jill Clayburgh
April 30, 1944 – November 5, 2010

Bring Tweets To Your Content (via News)

5 Nov

A whole lot of awesomeness.

Have you ever wanted to quote or share a tweet but had to painstakingly take screenshots of said tweet, upload them, and then embed the images in your post? Today we are launching a new feature dubbed Twitter Blackbird Pie. The new feature makes displaying tweets in all their glory as simple as pasting a link in your post as shown below. What is Blackbird Pie? Twitter Blackbird Pie is a me … Read More

via News

About Sarah Palin and Politico

1 Nov

So, according to Politico – Next for GOP leaders: Stopping Sarah Palin

Top Republicans in Washington and in the national GOP establishment say the 2010 campaign highlighted an urgent task that they will begin in earnest as soon as the elections are over: Stop Sarah Palin.

I just can’t stand garbage like this. First of all, who are these anonymous sources? And why won’t Politico name them?

Secondly, “Top Republicans” are the reason we have Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi. Their failure to lead when they were in charge led to this. As Scott Rasmussen pointed out in The Wall Street Journal tomorrow is A Vote Against Dems, Not for the GOP.

Finally, if the GOP “elites” want to make THIS their mission, let me be clear, Sarah Palin is not my candidate for 2012…

BUT she WILL be.