Archive | August, 2010

10 Top Facebook Pages and Why They’re Successful [social media] (via 3 Penguins Design)

31 Aug

Something to consider whilst I continue to ponder where I fit in the blogging and social media world…

10 Top Facebook Pages and Why They’re Successful [social media] Does your business have a Facebook page? Have you ever wondered what successful Facebook page owners are doing right? Well, look no further. This article examines 10 of the top Facebook pages from brands you’ll likely recognize. Regardless of the size of your business, you’ll discover great ideas that will help you take your Facebook experience to the next level. Each of these pages has incorporated unique features that have attracted hundreds of … Read More

via 3 Penguins Design

No Good Will Come of This

29 Aug

National Hurricane Center

Kathryn, Mel (Gibson) & Me

27 Aug

Kathryn Lopez has written a beautiful piece about Mel Gibson, mercy and grace.

It’s a proud culture that thinks that the next Christian politician who is revealed to be less than perfect is shocking news. It’s a culture that simply doesn’t get Christianity. We believe because we yearn and struggle and beg to be better. But we always fall short, in our various ways.

Read more at The National Catholic Register.

And Can It Be?

18 Aug

My Class Hymn at Asbury College University.  And yes, I have a special reason for posting it today.

Where do we go from here?

12 Aug

Unlike previous years at the beach I haven’t spent this year strategizing on how I’ll be more organized and make things better in the next year.  And I haven’t felt compelled to get up early every day just to have quiet on the beach.

Instead, I’ve just let things happen and have not been slave to any particular agenda.

Yes, I’ve made some notes to work more on writing.  But I also read enough of “The Well-Fed Writer” to know I’m not ready to do that full time.  I’m a little concerned, however, that I may leave here without a Nanowrimo plot.

And I’ve also noted the need to get back to the gym.  Excessive summer heat and summer travels got me off track.  But September means routines return and hopefully cooler temperatures.  There are at least good intentions.

It’s been a good week.  A time to remind me that life is pretty good.

I’d like to think this is all because of spiritual growth.  But I can also accept it as part of the aging process.

The Beach – Day 4, or is it 5?

11 Aug

We’ve had a good few days here at the beach.  Nice and quiet.  A little different that years past.  A little more relaxed.  I like that.

That’s about to change today as more family starts arriving, but that will be good also.  Just not quiet.

I didn’t come with an agenda.  No plans to reorganize my life.  No plans to outline the next great writing project.  No plans to read volume after volume of works on my “must read” list. 

Yeah, I brought all of that stuff with me.  But I haven’t felt obligated to look at it. 

I think when I get home on Saturday, I’ll be ready to hit the ground running with much of that.  Back to work (at all three jobs).  Back to writing.  Back to the yard.  Back to the gym.  But I don’t have to map that out here.

I did finish a series of books I’ve been reading.  And last night, I read the manuscript of a friend.  I convinced that we’ll see it in published form soon.

Mainly, I’ve cleared out the cobwebs.  A busy fall and winter lie ahead.

Today, I’m ready for them.

Next week, the story may change again.

Once more into the beach…

7 Aug

My family, well most of us, heads to the Outer Banks today.  Still waking up, getting the last of the laundry done, stocking the fridge for the 21-year-old staying behind to work and keep the live stock (old dog, betta and hermit crab).

I’m looking forward to early mornings on the beach.  Time to pray.  Time to think about stuff, or not. 

I’ll be contemplating what’s happening with this blog and the other.  This one is more of a place holder, the other more an experiment.  But neither are gathering much traffic.  I need to get back to the business of serious writing.  And I need to figure out how these blogs fit, or not, into that plan.  And I need a plot for Nanowrimo.

But not today.  Or tomorrow.  Or the next day…

No shoes.  No agenda.

Rest in Peace Bobby Hebb (Sunny)

5 Aug

Singer and songwriter Bobby Hebb, best known for writing and recording “Sunny.”

Robert Von Hebb
July 26, 1938 – August 3, 2010

Need to Put a Little Fresh Air into Your Blog? (via A Page of My Own)

4 Aug

Some good ideas here. I’ll be off at the beach next week and pondering just exactly how, or if, I want to remain in the blogosphere.

Need to Put a Little Fresh Air into Your Blog? Yesterday three of the blogs I regularly follow showed indications of burn out or overwhelm. One was just quitting, no explanation was given.  A second was going public with his ambivalence or loss of focus. And the third wrote to apologize for not getting to readers' comments-which I took as an indicator of being overwhelmed or swamped with conflicting tasks. Blogging requires dedication, an endless flow of creative energy and perseverance as we … Read More

via A Page of My Own

Who will dare bake the cake?

3 Aug

Martha Stewart
Born on this Day, August 3, 1941